Empowering People, Transforming Businesses: Finding Ragu’s AI Edge


Brand identity
Logo design
Visual identity

Global investment in AI technologies surpassed $500 billion in 2024, growing by over 20% from 2023, as companies across industries embraced AI-driven solutions.

AI is a big deal, and there’s little dispute about that. As a general technology, its advent will impact every area of life over time, in the same way that electricity, internal combustion or the internet has changed the way we live. 

But despite the huge amount of investment businesses are making to embrace AI-driven solutions, there are many challenges to overcome. One of these hurdles is the fact that generic products aren’t trained on your business data, which means it doesn’t know your industry, your business. It doesn’t have the knowledge held within your workforce.

That’s why Ragu exists, and it has two core offerings:

Custom AI tools 

It works with businesses to ‘orchestrate’ all of the unstructured data they hold, and use an underlying technology called RAG. It allows generative AI models to process that information, and you can build custom tools designed for you and your business. 

AI consultancy

RAGU doesn’t just support you in building a custom tool – they help you identify which areas of your business can benefit from AI technology: they work as consultants to surface where AI can have the greatest impact on your people, and help you to develop transformational ideas for your business.

We were tasked with positioning Ragu, uncovering its story and developing a brand platform and identity for this fast-rising startup, as it talked to investors and recruited a new generation of clients into the platform.

The Challenge

The challenge is standing out in the crowded marketplace. Every man and his dog has an AI solution at the moment. 

There are AI startups with shiny new technology, the massive legacy consultants like Accenture getting huge contracts with very large companies, and existing SaaS companies who’ve all pivoted to include AI in their offering. 

But they are also all focused on the functional benefits and features of the technology, with actually very little to say about their vision, and with human beings almost totally absent. 

This plethora of options only adds to the confusion of business leaders – and does little to solve their ‘where will impact come from’ problem. Business leaders don’t need another product – they need a partner to help guide them to the opportunity the technology obviously represents.

The Solution

Stakeholder interviews and market research pointed us in a clear strategic direction. 

Part of what makes Ragu different is the empathy and humanity with which it is approaching the AI revolution. 

It wants ‘efficiency’ to mean the creation of time, not the reduction of it. Ragu wants to unleash people to do things only people can do, leaders and teams alike.

We positioned Ragu as a solution that empowers people to go beyond the tasks that have historically occupied an unfair share of their time. In enabling you as a leader to explore realities for your business that have simply not been possible before.

Visual identity

How did this support a visual identity that makes Ragu to stand out? At the heart of the Ragu identity is a single square which acts as a ‘universal adapter’.

The square symbolises Ragu. Plug it into your business and amazing things happen.

This simple square can open up possibilities, enable bigger dreams, unlock potential andremove limitations.

The Ragu square unlocks the impossible.


The color palette is bright, vibrant, and optimistic, designed to evoke energy and positivity. The selected colors ensure versatility across applications, enhancing brand recognition.

The primary font is Riforma. Riforma’s geometric structure helps headlines feel organised and clear. Its large X heights improve legibility whilst its straight features create a digital aesthetic.

We gave RAGU a set of icons that align with its brand identity, characterised by the use of the Ragu square to symbolise unlocking potential.


We gave them a set of simple illustrations to visualise messaging, services, and benefits. Each illustration uses the Ragu square to capture the subject matter, avoiding words and complex diagrams, while always staying true to their colour palette.